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    Frequent questions

    Do you have questions?

    Find quick answers to your questions about mortgages and financing. From loan requirements to tips for improving your credit, we’re here to help.

    Can’t find what you need?

    • What are the requirements to obtain a mortgage?

      The requirements vary depending on the lender and the type of loan, but they generally include a credit history, stable income, and a down payment.

    • How long does the mortgage approval process take?

      The time varies, but it usually takes 30 to 45 days from application to closing, depending on factors such as the complexity of the loan and the efficiency of the lender.

    • What is a credit score and how does it affect my ability to obtain a mortgage?

      A credit score is a number that represents your credit history. A higher score generally means a better interest rate and loan terms.

    • What additional costs should I expect when buying a house?

      In addition to the down payment, you should consider closing costs, taxes, insurance, and moving expenses.


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